Engineers discuss career pathways and answer questions from students.
Engineers discuss career pathways and answer questions from students.
The opening keynote address for the 2019 STEM University Summer Experience. This session will provide an overview of the experience, it's history and goals.
Sports career moderated panel.
Technology career moderated panel discussion.
Discussion about various career pathways in engineering moderated by numerous professionals.
Media career moderated panel discussion.
Lunch provided by one of our generous sponsors. Their local can be included below as well as on the event sponsor section.
Information concerning college experience.
Students reflect on the day event and provide survey feedback.
Parent pick-up.
Student orientation for day's events.
Sports Keynote Address.
Student reflection and daily survey.
Parent pick-up.
Student orientation for day's events.
Technology Keynote Address
Lunch provided by one of our generous sponsors.
Student reflection and survey completion.
Parent pick-up.
Engineering Keynote Address.
Student perspective about the early exposure to the engineering profession and its effects. Parent and students will learn about the benefits of early experience and the long term benefits.
Student reflection and survey completion.
Sponsored by UBER/Lyft
Media Keynote Address.
Student Competitions
Event to recognize our generous sponsors and provide opportunity for one on one interaction with summer experience participants.
Red carpet Gala for Summer Experience Participants that will also highlight media students work.
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How to register.
The tuition for the STEM University Experience is $400 for the one (1) week inclusive session.
Students that are in entering grades 7-10 in the upcoming fall term are eligible to attend STEM University. Students outside of this age group (entering 6th grade or 11th grade) will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
Students will be required to select a discipline track (Sports, Technology, Engineering or Media) before they are officially accepted. In addition, they must bring a positive mindset to learn new things and fully participate.
Parent will be responsible for insuring students arrive on time each day. They will complete a brief daily survey of their students experience and attend final award day activities.